Frequently asked question about
myBuildings by Core Vision
Is the system cloud based or hardware?
myBuildings has been cloud based from the very start. Which means ease of access for your users, no matter where they are. No additional hardware or software is needed, there are automatic backups, and you will always be on the latest version.
Does it work on mobile devices?
Yes. The system has an interface which is optimised for mobile use and we also have a number of IOS and Android Apps.
Can myBuildings support a Help Desk?
Yes. A number of our clients provide help desk services to their clients using the system.
Various features in the system allow help desk operators to enter jobs on behalf of end users (for example, if a tenant was on their way home and noticed an issue, they can phone the helpdesk, and the helpdesk would enter the job on behalf of that tenant).
What will my total costs be?
We have transparent and easy to understand pricing.
There is a small one-off set up fee and then a fixed monthly fee for as long as you use the system.
Unlike our competitors, who often charge variable fees based on usage, volume of transactions etc.
Do my costs change over time?
No. Our monthly fees are fixed, so you know what you are paying at all times. There are no variable fees.
The only time your fees could change is in accordance with a CPI related annual increase, or if you take on more properties.
Note, if you reduce your property portfolio, then your price decreases.
Will we be locked-in to a minimum contract?
No. The standard terms for the myBuildings solution requires only 90 days of notice for cancellation. We don’t lock our clients in, we let the system speak for itself.
Do I need training?
The simple answer for most users is “no”.
When we built myBuildings we knew that it would be impractical to have to train thousands of users across our client base. Key criteria was to balance the functionality needed by Facilities Managers with ease of use.
From the outset the system has been designed to be intuitive and “simpler to use than internet banking”.
Optional training on more involved aspects of the system is available through our preferred implementation partners.
Does myBuildings integrate with other systems?
Absolutely. Our key strength is that we focus on what we are good at, and we work with other focused providers for the good of the client.
We have a number of integrations in place with proven financial systems and contractor risk management programs.
We also integrate to other key systems such as government registers to verify that contractor ABNs are valid and current. We can integrate into contractor job management systems to automatically create jobs in their system when they are assigned works by our clients. Or we provide Application Programming Interfaces (API’s) to allow you to build your own, directly or using middleware applications like Make.com, Dell Boomi or Zapier.
Can you enable BI tools?
If you utilise Business Intelligence (BI) tools such as Power BI, Tableau or Qlik, we can enable a data warehouse to allow these tools to query the data and generate immersive reports.
We can also combine data from our system with data from other systems to facilitate comprehensive dashboards.
What expenditure controls do you have?
Many of our clients utilise our Delegated Levels of Authority (DLOA) functionality, which allows you to configure for each building, how much authority each user has.
If that user attempts to allocate work that exceeds this amount, approval will be requested from the next level up (which is a very simple process involving that user clicking a link in an email).
For some clients, we also store budget data, and implement specific approvals for any works that exceed the budgeted amounts.
Our Quote Request module is also extremely useful in meeting expectations of clients that require multiple quotes for certain works. It makes it easy to request quotes from contractors, easy for them to respond, and easy to accept the quote and continue with the work.
We work well with others….
These are our integration partners: